Business Roundtable – 181 CEOs letter

The business environment increases its perspectives and declares itself a integrated part of an larger ecosystem, by furthermore assuming greater responsibilities.
In august 2019, the leaders and CEOs of 181 large or small companies from The United States of America, members of the Business Roundtable, released through the press a letter in which they were announcing publicly their commitment to act in the interests of the stakeholders, that is, the community they represent.
The objective of these companies and leaders, is no longer solely the profit for the shareholders, the stakeholders appear in the center - customers, employees, suppliers, the community in which we live, clear principles on ethics and transparency. Among those who chose to attend and sign the letter are CEO - Apple, JPMorgan, Dell, Exxon, IBM, Xerox etc.
The letter is also a valuable input for the business community in Romania, so here it is, you can access it down below.