Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in offering construction solutions and products, for the following position:
Location – Cluj County
Role: Operational Manager is responsible for the effective and successful management of labor, productivity, quality control and safety measures as established and set for the Operations Department for projects in RO&HU. Ensure safe and efficient operations. Serve as a company representative on regulatory issues. The Operational Manager will enhance the operational procedure, systems, and principles in the areas...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in services:
Location – Bucharest
Role: The Human Resource Generalist is responsible for performing HR-related duties on a professional level and works closely with senior management. Focus will be the execution of HR policies and processes that includes both strategic hiring duties and planning and administrative part. HR Generalist recruit and place new employee, train and on-board, help guide new employees through the process of benefits and compensation, policy implementation.
Essential Functions:
• Perform full scope recruitment efforts...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in services:
Location – Bucharest
Role: The Sales Controller ensures the maintenance of accurate financial records and maintain and develop an effective system of controls that strategically manages risk. The Sales Controller is responsible for offering insights and sales financial reporting that will allow to make the best business decisions for the company.
Essential Functions:
• Developing and running a variety of dashboards and automated management reports supporting decision making in the business;
• Work with...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production for the following position:
Location – Cluj County
Role: Design, develop, test, and evaluate integrated systems for managing production processes, including human work factors, quality control, inventory control, logistics and material flow, cost analysis, and production integration, using ERP tools.
Essential Functions:
· Plan and establish sequence of operations of manufacturing products and to promote efficient utilization;
· Review production schedules, engineering specifications, orders, and related information to obtain knowledge of manufacturing methods,...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production for the
following position:
Location – Cluj County
Role: The Sales & Business Development Representative will be responsible for management of the B2B customer portfolio, maintaining a long-term relationship and maximizing sales, customer retention and satisfaction and new business development in the European Market.
Essential Functions:
· Develops new customers in a manner that will achieve short and long-term, profitable growth of the business in the European Market;
· Identify new...
realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera specializata in productia de electronice pentru pozitia de:
Rol: Molding Process Engineer-ul este reponsabil de imbunatatirea activitatii de productie mase plastice, pentru dezvoltarea proceselor de injectie mase plastice si documentarea acestor imbunatatiri. Este implicat activ in implementarea noilor procese si in validarea noilor matrite.
Urmarirea montarii si demontarii de catre reglori a matritelor de injectie si asigurarea protecției și integritatii acestora;
Reglarea parametrilor de injectie conform fiselor de setari...
Psihoselect realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera, specializata in productie
Locatie: MURES
Rol: un Manager Productie coordoneaza buna functionare a productiei, fiind responsabil de coordonarea intregului proces de productie, organizarea si standardizarea acestuia. Realizeaza specificatiile proceselor, tinand cont de solicitarile clientului, se asigura ca proiectele sunt finalizate la timp, respectand termenii de calitate si cantitate stabiliti. Va gestiona proiecte de crestere a productivitatii si a capacitatii de productie, optimizare a fluxurilor si gestionare a noilor proiecte de investitii.
• Coordoneaza și...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production for the following position:
Location – Cluj County
Role: responsible for oversees the accounting department, month-end accounting activities such as reconciliations and journal entries. Preparing and analyzing financial records, helps company leadership with strategic planning, and makes sure that the company complies with national financial regulations.
Essential Functions:
Responsible that accounting function in the Company operates efficiently within the statutory and group regulations;
Responsible that internal accounting procedure are followed by...
Psihoselect recruits for a partner company specialized in services for the following position:
LOCATION: Constanta
Role: Plan, direct and coordinate the governance activities of commercial services to
increase the value added for the customer.
Essential Functions:
• Responsible for securing new customers and maintaining and developing existing accounts;
• Meet and exceed target set in terms of contributing and generating revenue for the company;
• Conduct and report minimum number of sales leads set by the management and transform a minimum of those...
Psihoselect recruits for a partner company specialized in services for the following position:
Role: Plan, direct and coordinate the governance activities of commercial services to
increase the value added for the customer.
Essential Functions:
• Responsible for securing new customers and maintaining and developing existing accounts;
• Meet and exceed target set in terms of contributing and generating revenue for the company;
• Conduct and report minimum number of sales leads set by the management and transform a minimum of those...
Psihoselect recruits for a partner company specialized in services for the following position:
LOCATION: Bucharest
Role: Plan, direct and coordinate the governance activities of commercial services to
increase the value added for the customer.
Essential Functions:
• Responsible for securing new customers and maintaining and developing existing accounts;
• Meet and exceed target set in terms of contributing and generating revenue for the company;
• Conduct and report minimum number of sales leads set by the management and transform a minimum of those into...
Psihoselect performs the Recruitment Process for a partner company specialized in offering construction solutions and products, for the following position:
Location – Cluj County
Role: General Manager has the primary responsibility for the leadership, strategic and management direction and business results of the company. Working closely with the Board of Directors of the company and the management team, the GM ensures that the Company establishes appropriate goals, and manages its resources to meet these goals. Responsible for the company development in 2 countries – RO and...
realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera specializata in productia elementelor din lemn pentru pozitia de:
Locație: județul Cluj
Rol: Un Inginer Mentenanta are grijă de buna funcționare a echipamentelor în raport cu necesitățile productiei, fiind responsabil de realizarea la timp a reviziilor si a reparatiilor. Efectuează mentenanta preventiva pentru a evita pierderile, intarzierea productiei sau diminuarea capacitatii de productie.
Inspecteaza sau testeaza utilajele si echipamentele pentru a diagnostica defectiunile;
Colaboreaza cu managerul pentru a implementa/modifica procedurile de...
We perform the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production for the following position:
Senior Financial Controller
Location – Cluj County
A Senior Financial Controller supervises all controlling activities for the plant and sales organisations in accordance with corporate policies and procedures. Oversees several activity areas such as, cost controlling, cost pricing and profitability analysis, budgeting, actual reporting and variance analysis. Prepares economic/financial research and analysis for use in the development of business strategies and tactics, makes studies and economic forecasts of business conditions and...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in
testing, inspection and certification services for the following position:
Location: Targu Mures
Role: overseeing daily business activities, improving overall business functions, training heads of departments, managing budgets, developing strategic plans, creating policies, and communicating business goals.
Providing leadership, direction and management for the company;
Ensure the creation and implementation of a strategy designed to grow the business;
Plan, coordinate and manage all business operations to achieve corporate goals;
Ensure the development...
There was a man taking a morning walk on the beach. He saw that along with the morning tide came hundreds of starfish and when the tide receded, they were left behind and with the morning sun rays, they would die. The tide was fresh and the starfish were alive.
The man took a few steps, picked one and threw it into the water. He did that repeatedly. Right behind him there was another person who couldn’t understand what this man was doing.
He caught up with him and...
Era odată un om care își făcea plimbarea de dimineață pe plajă. A văzut că, odată cu mareea, sute de stele de mare ajungeau pe nisip și că, la retragerea mareei, acestea rămâneau blocate acolo și mureau în bătaia razelor de soare.
Valul era încă proaspăt și stelele de mare erau vii. Bărbatul a făcut câțiva pași, a ridicat o stea și a aruncat-o în apă. A făcut asta din nou și din nou. În spatele lui era o persoană care nu înțelegea ce făcea acest bărbat. L-a ajuns...
Psihoselect performs the Recruitment Process for a partner company specialized in furniture production, for the following position:
Location – Cluj
Collaborate with the chief of section in making the production schedule;
Make decisions about equipment use, maintenance, modification and procurement;
Work out and implement standard operating procedures for production operations;
Following and stocks management;
Make sure that health and safety procedures are respected;
Monitor quality standards of products and make sure workers are quality oriented;
Analyze together with Chief of section and the Foremen...
Psihoselect recruits for a partner company specialized in commercial real estate development for the following position:
LOCATION: Timisoara
Essential Functions:
· Finding tenants for the company’s portfolio in Timis County and Transylvanian region – letting, means finding tenants directly or through working with different real estate companies or other organizations in order to reduce vacancy or initiate new developments; this includes cold calls, mails, meetings, presentations and negotiations;
· Acquisitions – to have eyes and ears open in order to identify suitable acquisition targets;
· Build...
Psihoselect recruits for a partner company specialized in production of electronics
Location: Cluj County
Role: The Human Resource Generalist will assist in the execution of HR policies and processes that includes both strategic hiring duties and planning and administrative part. HR Generalist recruit and place new employee, train and on-board, help guide new employees through the process of benefits and compensation. HRG represents both the employee and the company and handles employee relationships.
Essential Functions:
· Develop a working knowledge of departments in order to quickly...