Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner known for the production of sheet metal processing machines:
Role: The Service Engineer’s responsibilities include repairing faults, servicing equipment, creating preventative maintenance strategies. As well as, providing Technical Support and helping the company’s customers by responding to their requests for service in a timely and efficient manner.
Essential Functions:
Identification, analysis and subsequent repair of technical faults and malfunctions at the customer’s site;
Installing of the company’s machines;
Realize the regular maintenance work;
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production and sales to different industries for the following position:
Location – Cluj-Napoca
Role: The sales controller ensures the maintenance of accurate financial records and maintain and develop an effective system of controls that strategically manages risk. The sales controller is responsible for offering insights and sales financial reporting that will allow to make the best business decisions at the multinational group level.
Essential Functions:
Developing and running a variety of dashboards...
Psihoselect is recruiting for a group of companies, specialized in offering services and products in automotive field, for the following position:
Role: Ensures the business development strategy and profitability by hiring, training, and measuring the performance of KAM and establishing customer-focused sales standards. Plan and coordinate the trucks sales to B2B customers, coordinate sales distribution by establishing sales territories (including the development of neighboring countries), quotas, and goals and establish training programs. Analyze sales statistics gathered by staff to determine...
Psihoselect realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera, specializata in comercializarea produselor HVAC, pentru rolul de:
Locatie: Oradea, Arad, Satu Mare, Bistrita-Nasaud
Rol: Regional Sales Manager va fi responsabil de dezvoltarea si conducerea executiei strategiilor de vanzari, organizarea, coordonarea, indrumarea si controlul intregii activitati a companiei din regiunea de competenta, care vor conduce la dezvoltarea business-ului pe teritoriul atribuit si/sau piata speciala. Realizeaza planul de vanzari, marja comerciala, incasari si de profit inclusiv prin incadrarea in bugetul de cheltuieli aprobat.
Psihoselect performs the recruitment and selection process for a partner company, specialized in the import, processing and distribution of raw materials for various industries, for the the following position:
Possible location – MURES/SIBIU
Role: Responsible for management of the B2B customer portfolio, maintaining a long-term relationship and maximizing sales, customer retention and satisfaction and new business development in the regional allocated market.
Essential Functions:
Develops new customers in a manner that will achieve short and long-term, profitable growth of the business in...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company that activates in the automotive industry for the following position:
Location: Romania (remote/hybrid)
Role: Head of strategic purchasing is responsible for ongoing management of purchasing strategy and activity and for ensuring optimal supplier performance and price for an annual purchasing volume of approx. €140 million/year (automotive, industry, holding). Develop and implement a strategy to ensure the function is operating in line with the objectives of the business to add value, mitigate supply chain...
Finalul anului 2022 ne-a adus în față, imaginea pieței muncii din 2023. După luna octombrie – rezervată bugetării și deciziilor majore – luna noiembrie a început să se simtă ca luna în care, încep acțiunile de implementare. Mult mai repede decât în alți ani, dar anul 2023 se dovedește și el atipic. De fapt, cu această realitate trebuie să ne obișnuim – schimbări și nevoia de inovare după fiecare curbă luată.
Ce înseamnă pentru companii piața muncii în 2023?
Reașezarea organizațională: posturi eliminate din structură – fiind și...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner known for their software and wireless solutions.
Location: Cluj County
Role: A key member of the Senior Management Team that is responsible to maintain the control of diverse business operations, to be an experienced and efficient leader. Also, it has a vision to ensure the organization meets its short-term and long-term objectives. The goal of the COO position is to secure the functionality of business to drive extensive and sustainable growth.
Essential Functions:
Design and...
Psihoselect realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera, specializata in importul, prelucrarea si distribuirea materiilor prime pentru diferite industrii pentru rolul de:
Locatie: Bucuresti/Brasov/Sibiu
Rol: Acest rol presupune elaborarea si implementarea strategiilor nationale si regionale de vanzari (pentru toate canalele de vanzare), in concordanta cu obiectivele companiei pentru pozitionarea corecta si cresterea organica acesteia pe piata si valorificarea potentialului comercial in segmentele de consum existente pentru toate liniile de business/produse/servicii actuale si viitoare.
Coordonare a intregii activitati...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production for the following position:
Location: Cluj County
Role: Responsible to deliver customer requirements within market expected lead times with high quality product, produced in a safe and compliant work environment, where a culture of continuous improvement and project management is fostered and promoted within the organization.
Essential Functions:
Responsible for the fulfilment of all customer demand within market expected lead time, quality and appropriate total cost;
Responsibility for the timely...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in services for the following position:
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANT – part of international team with HQ in Germany
Location – Bucharest
Role: The role of a financial accountant will include responsibilities related to preparing financial statements (monthly, annual) and reports, invoicing, billing, and optimization for processes, being part of an international team with HQ in Germany, and local offices in Bucharest.
Essential Functions:
Independent and responsible handling of all activities in the Bookkeeping – from asset, financial accounting to...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process a partner company specialized in production for the following position:
Location – Cluj County
Role: Human Resource Manager is responsible for performing HR-related duties on a professional level and works closely with senior management. The main focus of this position will be the execution of HR policies and processes that includes both strategic hiring duties and planning and administrative part. HR Manager recruit and place new employees, train and on-board, help guide new employees through the process of benefits and compensation,...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner known for the distribution of laboratory equipment towards different industries.
Location: Transylvania and Banat
Role: Responsible of the food industry customers and B2B customer portfolio, maintaining a long-term relationship and maximizing sales, customer retention and satisfaction. Prepare and deliver technical presentations that explain products or services to customers and prospective customers.
Essential Functions:
Deploy company’s strategy – Customer Value Propositions;
Identify new prospects and communicates new product opportunities to distributors, FOOD type customers, also B2B;
Psihoselect is recruiting for a multinational partner company, specialized in automation for the following position:
Role: Primary customer service contact and responsible for communication and resolution of customer service needs. Apply electrical and electronic theory, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and related knowledge, to install, test, and maintain the CNC and Robot Machine system to the customer location.
Essential Functions:
Perform a wide variety of tasks associated with servicing, repairing and operation of CNC machine tools;
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner known for their resistant sealants, specific for B2B markets.
Location: Cluj-Napoca
Role: Manage the Inside Sales operations for South – East Europe as region and ensure that all activities are carried out in an efficient manner with strong correlation with European Department. Monitor sales metrics and manage the sales administration process. Collaborate with headquarter and the outside sales team. Translate commercial signals from the field staff and the market to concrete sales actions and execute them.
Acest articol a fost publicat pe platforma de business, 12 septembrie 2022, il gasiti aici.
În primul rând, nu mai există granițe, odată cu munca remote. România este o piață valoroasă. Avem clienți – companii din Germania, Franța, Luxemburg, Belgia, SUA – care încep cu următoarea cerință: „avem nevoie de talente, confortabili cu limba engleză, cu experiență la nivel middle sau senior în următoarele specialități”, iar aici includeți orice rol poate fi realizat remote, inclusiv roluri manageriale care coordonează echipe mici. Iar dacă vorbim de poziții manageriale de top, modelul...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner which is activating in FMCG industry:
Location: Cluj-Napoca
Role: completing the marketing team with the purpose of implementing and analyzing marketing projects according to the marketing plan and the established objectives.
Essential Functions:
Implementation of marketing campaigns (online and offline) and their analysis (conversion rates, traffic, potential customers, budgets, etc.);
Helps to realize the marketing plan, marketing campaigns and strategies;
Maintain the relationship with customers, suppliers, and collaborators in order to obtain the necessary materials for...
Festivalul de Film și Istorii Râșnov este un eveniment pe care mi-l pun pe agenda în fiecare an. Anul acesta, organizatorii mi-au dat un badge de invitat special 😊 cu invitația de a participa la dezbaterea despre ”Digitalizarea economiei și noile granite în tehnologie” Costin Avram (Crystal System), Claudia Indreica (Psihoselect) – moderator Marius Perșinaru.
Am vorbit despre lipsa granițelor atunci când recrutezi pentru anumite posturi, despre impactul pe care îl are digitalizarea în piața forței de muncă, despre tendințe dar și acțiunile necesare. Avem nevoie de un mix...
Psihoselect is recruiting for a partner company known for their premium industrial consumable products for the following position:
Possible Location: CJ/AB/ BH/ BN/ HR/ MM/ MS/ SJ/ SM
Role: responsible for management of the B2B customer portfolio, maintaining a long-term relationship and maximizing sales, customer retention and satisfaction and new business development in the regional allocated market.
Essential Functions:
• Develops new customers in a manner that will achieve short and long-term, profitable growth of the business in the regional market, the Territory...
Psihoselect is recruiting for a partner company known for telecom network rollout for the following position:
Location: Bucharest
Role: The Group Head of Energy – work as an integral part of a project team, be involved in one or more projects during all phases until completion, interface with both internal and external clients, and collaborate with multi-disciplinary project teams. Responsible to select the entire range of energy products for the group: Solar, hybrid and conventional systems. Assess business decisions & opportunities for all projects...