Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production for the following position:
Location – Timis County
Role: Lead the site Maintenance function in providing both a reactive and proactive, multi-skilled maintenance service on all operational equipment and facilities infrastructure. Responsible for planned scheduling creation and overseeing the adherence and timely completion of work carried out. Increase the site operational effectiveness, improve on project delivery, mean time between failure and downtime reduction, and manage and implement improvement plans, driving Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production for the following position:
Location – Timis County
Role: oversee all aspects of Human Resources practices and processes; support business needs and ensure the proper implementation of company strategy and objectives. The goal is to promote corporate values and enable business success through human resources management, including job design, recruitment, performance management, training & development, employment cycle changes, talent management, and facilities management services.
Serve as a link between management and employees
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production for the following position:
Location – Timis County
Role: distributes the financial resources of a company, is responsible for the budget planning, and supports the executive management team by offering insights and financial advice that will allow them to make the best business decisions for the company.
Prepare monthly management reports including Profit & Loss Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash flow;
Manage and oversee processing of Accounts Receivable function;
Manage and oversee
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production for the following position:
Location – Timis County
Role: overseas the financial resources of a company, is responsible for the budget planning and overview, and supports the executive management team by offering insights and financial advice that will allow them to make the best business decisions for the company.
· Work with the Finance Manager to assist with the development and successful implementation of strategies, business and financial plans in the finance function;
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for an international partner company specialized in real estate, for the following position:
Location: Cluj County
Role: Assure the effective functioning of a facility to provide an efficient and safe environment for customers and their activities by using best business practices to manage resources, services and processes to meet the needs of retail center
Essential Functions:
Plan, schedule, and coordinate general maintenance, major repairs, and remodeling or construction projects for retail properties.
Meet with suppliers to negotiate service contracts, determine priorities, and discuss the financial and operational
Psihoselect performs the Recruitment Process for a partner company specialized in furniture production, for the following position:
Location – Cluj County
Collaboration with production manager in making a plan of production schedule;
Supervising the process flow and control the production schedule, adjust the plan if needed;
Calculation of the human resources required and assure that materials needed to accomplish the production plan meet the targets;
Make decisions about equipment use, maintenance, modification and procurement;
Work out and implement standard operating procedures for production operations;
We perform the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production for the following position:
Location – Cluj County
Serve as a link between management and employees by handling questions, interpreting and administering contracts and helping resolve work-related problems;
Plan, direct, supervise, and coordinate work activities of subordinate and staff relating to employment, compensation, labor relations, and employee relations;
Confer with management to develop or implement personnel policies or procedures;
Provide management with information or training related to interviewing, performance appraisals, counseling techniques,
Psihoselect performs the Recruitment Process for a partner company specialized in providing automation products and services of installation for industrial machinery and equipment, for the following position:
Location – Cluj Napoca
Role: work directly with customers to recommend products and services to fit their needs. A good customer service sales representative anticipates customer concerns and offers practical solutions to resolve them.
Perform informal and formal needs assessments for each customer to recommend appropriate goods and services;
Develop a rapport with customers,
Psihoselect recruits for a partner company specialized in commercial real estate development for the following position:
Location: Cluj-Napoca
Role: Realize projects from preparation of the site, including support and involvement in permitting, design, coordination of works during the construction phase, and assures on-time delivery and costs to be within the agreed budget.
Involvement in Design / Design review
Involved in preparation of project documentation in all phases – for planning permit, building permit and tender documentation – this in cooperation with the in-house design
Psihoselect recruits for a partner company specialized in commercial real estate development for the following position:
Location: Cluj
Finding tenants for the company’s portfolio in the Transylvanian region – letting, means finding tenants directly or through working with different real estate companies or other organizations in order to reduce vacancy or initiate new developments; this includes cold calls, mails, meetings, presentations and negotiations.
Acquisitions – to have eyes and ears open in order to identify suitable acquisition targets.
Build and maintain a network of contacts
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production for the following position:
Location – Cluj/Alba/Hunedoara/Deva/Sibiu/Dej/Bistrita
Being part of the management team contributes with other managers at the creation and implementation of a strategy designed to grow the business, implementing HR systems;
Assure that all the HR activities are fulfilling the legal requirements, Internal Regulation and the unit’s Collective Labor Contract;
Organizing, coordinating and monitoring the characteristic activities of the Human Resources Department;
Review and recommend improvements to policies, procedures, and practices on
Psihoselect recruits for a partner company specialized in commercializing heating solutions, for the following position:
Location: Cluj, Alba, Sibiu, Mures, Hunedoara
Selling and promoting solutions of high power heating equipment in Transylvania – Banat area, for offices, residential buildings, commercial and industrial area.
• Developing and maintaining a growing business relationships with clients;
• Building relation with new customers and gaining new businesses providing the best technical solutions;
• Finding new opportunities on the market in the early phase of the projects
Psihoselect performs the Recruitment Process for a partner company from the automotive industry, for the following position:
Location: Germany, Ottersweier
(the relocation package is included)
Perform a wide range of system administration duties on applications and other servers including install, debug, maintenance, upgrade, and general support for both Physical and Virtual servers;
Configure and maintain VM (virtual machines) including VMware and Hyper-V;
Manages and monitors operations, activities and services of all servers, and supporting critical services such as Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, Exchange,. .
Realizeaza pentru compania partenera, multinationala, specializata in productia si distributia de mobila, procesul de selectie pentru pozitia de:
Locatie MURES
Planifica si organizeaza activitatea echipei pentru executia mentenantei corectiva si predictiva a tuturor masinilor, echipamentelor;
Intocmeste planul de mentenanta si colaboreaza direct cu alte departamente pentru asigurarea permanenta a functionalitatii echipamentelor de productie;
Coordoneaza interventiile de reparatie impreuna cu echipa si urmareste ca echipamentele si instalatiile sa respecte normele de sanatate si securitate a muncii si normele de situatii de urgenta;
Verifica respectarea planurilor de
Psihoselect realizeaza pentru compania partenera, multinationala, specializata in productia si distributia de mobila, procesul de selectie pentru pozitia de:
Locatie: MURES
Coordonarea și asigurarea întregului proces de producție în vederea realizării producției planificate, în conformitate cu obiectivele, programul și standardele de calitate ale companiei;
Instruirea personalului de producție în concordanță cu specificațiile produselor, cerințelor sistemului de calitate și a cerintelor pentru siguranța în sanatate;
Planifică activitățile de producție în secțiile de fabricație în funcție de planul de lucru stabilit, pentru a asigura realizarea integrala a
Psihoselect realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera specializata in productie, pentru urmatoarea pozitia:
Locatie: Cluj
Asigura suport tehnic pentru calibrarea aparatelor de masura si control conform specificatiilor si cerintelor legale;
Se asigura ca programul de intretinere preventiva in timpul schimburilor este corelat cu programul de productie si colaborarea angajatilor departamentului cu echipa din schimb este incurajata continuu;
Se asigura ca informatiile din sistemul computerizat de management al intretinerii (de ex SAP – PM) sunt complete si corecte;
Se asigura ca nivelele
Psihoselect realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera producatoare de mobila pentru pozitia de:
Locație: Cluj
Coordonează activitatea de producție pe schimb și verifică respectarea planificării zilnice și săptămânale;
Verifică respectarea procedurilor, executarea programelor și sarcinilor specifice de către personalul din subordine;
Analizează activitatea zilnică desfășurata în procesul de producție și stabilește măsuri corective când este cazul;
Asigură respectarea tehnologiei de fabricație și a calității producției din zona de responsabilitate, propune căi și mijloace de progres;
Analizează realizările zilnice, calitate /
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in transport services for the following position:
Location – Cluj-Napoca
Building positive and lasting relationships with representatives and clients;
Develops and increases the market on the region;
Promotes and sells company’s transportation services;
Negotiates and closes contracts with clients;
Contributes to the development of the sales strategy;
Responsible for implementing all sales plans;
Building a business plan that would lead to reaching the goals of sales;
Coordinates sales effort with
Realizeaza pentru o companie partenera, multinaționala specializata in productia si distributia echipamentelor pentru HORECA, procesul de selectie pentru pozitia de:
Locatie: BRASOV
Contabilizarea cronologica si sistematica a operatiunilor financiare si patrimoniale;
Intocmirea/verificarea jurnalelor de TVA,
Evidenta si analiza conturilor de capitaluri; imobilizari a stocurilor, datoriilor si creantelor;
Inregistreaza operatiunile contabile in registrului jurnal, registrului inventar, registru de casa etc.
Inregistreaza notele contabile;
Opereaza extrasele de banca;
Intocmeste si inregistreaza deconturile;
Intocmeste cu suprevizare declaratiile catre institutiile locale si de stat;
Psihoselect realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera specializata in prelucrare si distributie de accesorii, pentru pozitia de:
Locatie – Mures
Reprezentarea companiei la nivel national sub toate aspectele legale: asistenta juridica, consultanta si reprezentare;
Asistenta si reprezentare in domeniul de drept comercial;
Asistarea si reprezentarea companiei in dosare civile, de executare silita, recuperarea de debite cu impact semnificativ;
Asistarea legala a companiei pe aspecte de dreptul muncii, contract colectiv de munca;
Asistenta în operațiuni complexe la Registrul