What does it mean?
The HR TRAINEE program was born out of the desire to share our experience to young professionals at the beginning of their journey, help them enter the market prepared and having the right expectations. The idea developed we realized that juniors have few chances in finding a job in HR without a minimum of experience and without understanding the requirements of a job in HR.
In collaboration with our society, "Competente pentru Viitor", we offer the HR TRAINEE program and we are very happy to be able to give back to the community. We've employed amazing people that took part in the program, we've trained the young in HR and we've contributed to raising the market level. Within this program we focus on team, innovation and results!
So, in association with out Society "Competente Pentru Viitor", we aim to support and contribute to the education of those who want to work in HR, by developing and exercising the skills and abilities specific for to a recruiter.
• You are at the beginning of your career and you need experience
• You are thinking about a professional reorientation and have chosen the HR field
• You are passionate about Human Resources, Psychology or Organizational Education
• You wish to work in HR and are looking for the best opportunity for a good start in your career
Which will be your role in this program?
• You'll participate in all the stages of a recruitment process and will be directly implicated in our projects
• You'll work with the Psihoselect specialists and a team of other trainees willing to learn about HR
• You'll have a part-time, flexible program, 4h/day, for 3 full months, with the possibility of extending the contract
• At the end of the HR TRAINEE program, you'll receive recommendation from us, a certificate of completion and a concrete evaluation of the abilities developed and exercised
Let's meet! Tell us a little about yourself and why you want to participate in our HR TRAINEE PROGRAM, printr-un email catre Raluca Vatamanescu, HR Project Manager, la adresa Can't wait to chat over a good cup of coffee!
Adriana Sfagau
For me personally, this program was an opportunity
to get in touch with the Human Resources sphere, a possibility for personal development,
especially on the communication side and last but not least, it helped me, through
the feedbacks received periodically, to make me aware of the aspects that I have to
improve to become a good and true recruiter.
Cristina Matei
The HR Trainee program at Psihoselect was an opportunity to get to know a
the wonderful team and to learn and practice new things every day.
Sorana Pantea
Through this program I managed to learn both aspects related to the way in which an interview is conducted, the steps that needed to be followed in order to choose a suitable candidate as well as how to organize myself as efficiently as possible, a better time management and attention to details.
Stefana Tatar
Sunt de parere ca programul HR Trainee merita facut daca cochetezi macar
putin cu ideea de HR, si mai exact cu ceea ce inseamna recrutare si selectie. Asa ca
daca chiar vrei sa intelegi ce inseamna acest domeniu, aplica la acest program!
Tania Cadis
Am observat importanta atmosferei bune la locul de munca. Asistand
la interviuri, am invatat cum sa realizezi un interviu cu succes, dar si care sunt
calitatile pe care un angajator le cauta la un canditat. Stiind aceasta, acum am mai
multa incredere ca ma voi descurca bine la viitoarele interviuri pentru job-urile la care
voi aplica.
Petru Avram
There are few places where you get the chance to learn in a controlled, risk-free environment and to acquire practical notions that you cannot accumulate in college. Psihoselect is a place where you can really feel good while you work.