Psihoselect recruits for a partner company specialized in the production and commercialization of IT&C devices for the following position:
Location: Bucuresti
Role: The B2B Channel Manager is maintaining a thorough knowledge of the business and offerings, developing, and implementing strategic plans to grow B2B accounts, managing and strengthening client relationships, identifying new business opportunities, and coordinating with internal teams to deliver on client expectations.
Essential Functions:Developing and implementing strategic plans to manage and grow accounts;
Retaining clients and building strong, trusting relationships, develop partnerships...
Psihoselect recruits for a partner company specialized in services for the following position:
Role: The Business & Sales Development Representative plans, directs and coordinates the governance activities of commercial services to increase the value added for the customer.
Essential Functions:
• Responsible for securing new customers and maintaining and developing existing accounts;
• Meet and exceed target set in terms of contributing and generating revenue for the company;
• Conduct and report minimum number of sales leads set by the management and...
Psihoselect realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera, specializata in productie, pentru rolul de:
Locatie: MURES
Rol: Un Operational Manager coordonează departamentele de productie, mentenanța si departamentul de calitate. Asigură buna funcționare a producției, fiind responsabil de coordonarea întregului proces de producție, organizarea și standardizarea acestuia Realizează specificațiile proceselor, ținând cont de solicitările clientului, se asigură că proiectele sunt finalizate la timp, respectând termenii de calitate și cantitate stabiliți. Va gestiona proiecte de creștere a productivității și a capacității de producție, optimizare a fluxurilor...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production, sales & distribution for the following position:
Location: Cluj-Napoca
Role: Leads the entire legal team, overseeing all activities. The Legal Department Manager plays an important role in the business, national and international operations, giving pro-active, professional, competent, (cost) effective and creative legal support to all departments. The Legal Department Manager brings negotiation and drafting skills and business sense to deal with multiple functional teams in a mature business.
Essential Functions:
· Providing...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production, sales& distribution for the following position:
Location – Cluj Napoca
Role: The Senior Business Controller overseas the financial resources of a company, is responsible for the budget planning and overview, and supports the executive management team by offering insights and financial advice that will allow them to make the best business decisions for the company. The senior business controller acts as a strong business partner who provides value-adding analyses to drive performance and strategy for...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in commercializing heating solutions, for the following position:
Location: Cluj
Role: The Pre – Sales Engineer will be responsible for providing presales technical support and assistance / advice to the sales team as well to the client and partners; build a strong business network with the aim to increase sales.
Essential Functions:
Understand the requirements of the customer and identifying the appropriate products for their needs;
Prepare the quotations and design...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in commercializing heating solutions, for the following position:
Location: Iasi, Bacaut, Neamt
Role: The Area Sales Manager will be responsible of selling and promoting solutions of high-power heating equipment in Moldova area, for offices, residential buildings, commercial and industrial area.
Essential Functions:In coordination with the National Sales Manager, establishes the approach for developing a sales network from existing customers, but also finding new ones for the range under his responsibility (solar...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in providing automation products and services of installation for industrial machinery and equipment, for the following position:
Location: Cluj-Napoca
Role: A Robot Field Service Engineer is the primary customer service contact and responsible for communication and resolution of customer service needs. Apply electrical and electronic theory, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and related knowledge, to install, test, and maintain the robot system to the customer location.
Essential Functions:
• Make repairs to robots or...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production for the following position:CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT MANAGER
Location – Mures County
Role: The Continuous Improvement Manager will drive a continuous improvement mindset and build capability to embed Continuous Improvement methodologies and tools across all levels of the business using a hands-on, business partnering approach. The Continuous Improvement Manager will be accountable for shaping the organization’s approach to continuous improvement through the development of a business specific Continuous Improvement framework, tools and methodologies as well as building...
realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera specializata in productie, pentru pozitia de:
Locatie: judetul Cluj
Rol: Managerul Energetic planifica, reglementeaza si monitorizeaza utilizarea energiei in cadrul companiei. Acesta imbunatateste eficienta, monitorizeaza consumul de energie, evalueaza deciziile de afaceri pentru durabilitate, aplica masuri de conservare a energiei si asigura un mediu de lucru sigur si legal.
Responsabilitati:Coordonarea mentenantei accidentale, preventive si planificate la Centrala Eratic si Centrala Weiss si a utilajelor ce deservesc buna lor functionare;
Mentenanta instalatiilor termice;
Psihoselect realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera, specializata in comercializarea articolelor deco pentru pozitia de:
Locatia: Cluj-Napoca
Rol: Electrical Industrial Designer o sa fie responsabil cu dezvoltarea (de la concept pana la produs final) si imbunatatirea produselor electrice din gama companiei.
Preia proiecte pentru dezvoltarea de produse electrice din gama companiei de la team leader, pe baza strategiei stabilite;
Realizeaza research pentru a gasi cele mai bune solutii/concepte pentru produsele gestionate/dezvoltate;
Creaza conceptul produsului in software-urile...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company for the following position:
Location – Cluj County
Role: The Sales Manager is accountable for the company sales strategy and the implementation of the actions necessary to fulfill the company’s development strategy. The Sales Manager is providing contractual, financial, and commercial support to operational and project teams. The incumbent is responsible for managing all contractual and commercial aspects of projects. Key functions include providing advice on contractual, commercial, risk, and opportunity matters, ensuring the timely completion...
Devine foarte evident că ne îndreptăm către o economie digitală. O găsim sub denumirea „Industria 4.0”, în care datele și analiza lor devin elemente centrale. Vorbim despre digitalizarea produselor și a serviciilor oferite, despre modele de business digitalizate, despre interacțiunea cu consumatorul, dar și profilarea lui. Avem o digitalizare și integrare pe verticală și orizontală a lanțului de valoare (value chain).
Ce folosim? Dispozitive mobile, senzori, printare 3D și 4D, realitatea augmentată, tehnologii de detectare a locației, platforme Internet of Things pentru monitorizare în timp real, Cloud, analize Big Data...
Psihoselect realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera, specializata in comercializarea articolelor deco pentru pozitia de:CREATIVE DIRECTOR
Locatie: Cluj-Napoca
Rol: Un Creative Director coordoneaza departamentul de marketing fiind responsabil/a de estetica tuturor elementelor vizuale ale companiei si modului de comunicare al firmei. Stabileste strategia de marketing, setează obiective, bugete de marketing si monitorizează îndeplinirea acestora.
Stabileste si implementeaza strategia de marketing pentru fiecare brand;
Stabileste obiectivele anuale de marketing si monitorizeaza realizarea lor;
Defineste principiile de design, identitate vizuala, copywriting...
Suntem într-o economie dinamică, puternic influențată de digitalizare și efectele pandemiei. Dar ne adaptăm rapid, găsim soluții având in minte nevoile prezentului dar și perspectiva viitorului.
Am avut onoarea să fiu gazda unui eveniment organizat de DWNT si CFAC – cele doua cluburi de afaceri – german si francez- cu invitați valoroși și dragi sufletului meu. Am vorbit despre Revoluția 4.0 dar mai ales despre ce înseamnă Educația 4.0 din perspectiva companiilor.
In mediul de business am început să contribuim activ la formarea competențelor, conștienți fiind că viteza evoluției...
realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera specializata in productie si vanzari pentru pozitia de:
Locație: Târgu-Mureș
Rolul: Un Asistent Director Comercial asigură monitorizarea derulării activității comerciale al lanțului de magazine de lux, asigurând funcționarea acestora din perspectiva comunicării cu echipele, a produselor si a echipamentelor din fiecare locație aflată în România.
Responsabilităţi:Comunică Directorului Comercial problemele apărute în administrarea locațiilor;
Redactează rapoarte pe informațiile solicitate de Directorul Comercial în legătură cu departamentul;
Propune îmbunătățiri a activității...
realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera specializata in productia pentru pozitia de:
Locatie: Cluj
Rol: Coordonarea și asigurarea întregului proces de producție din secție, in vederea realizării producției planificate, în conformitate cu obiectivele, programul și standardele de calitate ale companiei.
Responsabilități:Planificarea activităților de producție în secție, în funcție de planul de lucru stabilit, pentru a asigura realizarea integrala a indicatorilor cantitativi și calitativi stabiliți;
Stabilirea sarcinilor, îndrumarea și instruirea personalului;
Urmărirea îndeplinirii procedurilor şi a instrucțiunilor...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in sales and distribution of food products, for the following position:
Location: Cluj-Napoca
Role: Primary customer service contact and responsible for communication and resolution of customer requests and complaints. Supports National Sales Manager and the team via daily task execution and support. Performs delegated financial & administrative related tasks and stock management.
Essential Functions:
• Commercial support: providing commercial and administrative support to customers, sales staff, agents and distributors in such way that...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a multinational partner company for the following position:
Location – Cluj-Napoca
Role: responsible for oversight of accounting department, month-end accounting activities such as accounting records review, balances review, reconciliations and journal entries. Preparing and analyzing financial reports of local company and outside EU branches, helps company leadership with strategic planning, and makes sure that the company complies with local and group financial regulations.
Essential Functions:
Ensures the alignment of the accounting policies, accounting procedures and the financial system (SAP)...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a multinational partner company for the following position:
Location – Bucharest/Cluj Napoca/Sibiu/Timisoara
Role: The Sales & Business Development Manager will increase targets for the business by managing sales opportunities and bringing new clients and projects into the company. This role is about the management of sales opportunities and leads, it is a targeted sales role, and it will carry a personal target and be responsible for managing its own sales opportunities and pipeline. The Sales & Business...