Psihoselect performs the recruitment and selection process for a partner company specialized in production, for the the following position:
Role: In order to meet the needs and expectations of the client, the Plant Manager guides the manufacturing function while staying within budget and output goals. Complete responsibility for ensuring that the standards for safety, customer quality, cost, and delivery are met from this position. Working closely with the Board of Directors of the company and the management team, the Plant Manager ensures that...
Psihoselect recruits for a partner company specialized in production and distribution of electronics for the following position:
Role: The Order Flow Management Specialist is responsible for the commercial relationship with the assigned reseller partners; being part of a producer company of high value product and a worldwide brand, the Order Flow Management Specialist is involved in the sales and after-sales processes, being responsible for a key component of the entire relationship and results regarding the assign reseller partner.
Essential Functions:
A certain shopkeeper sent his son to learn about the secret of happiness from the wisest man in the world. The lad wandered through the desert for 40 days, and finally came upon a beautiful castle, high atop a mountain. It was there that the wise man lived.
Rather than finding a saintly man, though, our hero, on entering the main room of the castle, saw a hive of activity: tradesmen came and went, people were conversing in the corners, a small orchestra was playing soft music, and there...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in sales and distribution of food products, for the following position:
Role: The Economic & Administrative Assistant is responsible for providing support to our managers and employees, assisting with daily office needs and managing our company’s general administrative activities. The ideal candidate will be a problem solver who has excellent communication skills and impeccable attention to detail. The candidate should also have experience of working in an office environment, performing...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment and selection process for a partner company, which is activating in FMCG industry for the the following position:
Role: The International Key Account Manager is responsible for building, managing and developing the international market, from strategic approach to operational level, starting with the current customer base experience. Developing markets means also to evaluate the potential of national market and identifying new business opportunities.
Essential Functions:
Directing and coordinating activities involving sales of...
Psihoselect realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera, specializata in comercializarea produselor HVAC, pentru rolul de:
Rol: Regional Sales Managerul va fi responsabil de dezvoltarea si conducerea executiei strategiilor de vanzari, organizarea, coordonarea, indrumarea si controlul intregii activitati a companiei din regiunea de competenta, care vor conduce la dezvoltarea business-ului pe teritoriul atribuit si/sau piata speciala. Realizeaza planul de vanzari, marja comerciala, incasari si de profit inclusiv prin incadrarea in bugetul de cheltuieli aprobat.
Stabileste obiective specifice...
We have witnessed lately, in different contexts, the increasing presence of people with narcissistic tendencies. Being a psychologist helps me to be able to identify them and to follow them, as an observer, to see their behaviours and their impact on the functioning of teams. Their number has increased in recent years. They remain a minority in terms of percentage, I have not seen them exceed 10-15% of a team’s total numbers, but sometimes that’s enough to undermine the functioning or unity of a team.
According to the DSM-5:...
Psihoselect realizează procesul de recrutare și selectie pentru o companie parteneră, specializată în construcții, pentru rolul de:
Rol: Responsabil pentru coordonarea lucrărilor de instalații, ca parte a echipei de coordonare a întregului proiect. Verificarea proiectului și a documentației, preluarea site-ului, verificarea situației din teren, efectuarea măsurătorilor preliminare, evidențierea oricăror probleme tehnice și soluționarea lor împreună cu echipa. Participă la selecția și evaluarea subcontractorilor în domeniul instalațiilor, organizează, programează și monitorizează lucrările în șantier.
Coordonează și monitorizează lucrările de instalații din...
Psihoselect realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera, specializata in construcții, pentru rolul de:
Rol: Implementează proiectele autorizate, începând cu pregătirea șantierului, coordonarea lucrărilor împreună cu antreprenorul general și/sau subcontractori, oferind suport tehnic pentru echipele de proiectare și asigurându-se de încadrarea în termen, buget și standard de calitate a lucrărilor executate.
Implicat în monitorizarea implementării proiectului, pe tot parcursul acestuia, începând de la preluarea documentațiilor autorizate, până la recepția finală a lucrărilor;
Menține o permanentă...
Psihoselect recruits for a partner company specialized in production and distribution of electronics for the following position:
Location: Bucharest
Role: The Customer Care Manager is responsible for continuously improving the “best in class service support” culture, a distinctive feature of the brand portfolio. Paying attention to the Service excellence of the Call Centers as well as of the after-sales service Partners.
Essential Functions:
Coordinate the Authorized Country Customer care Partners;
Oversee the Country Consumer Call Centre and process the CRM data to...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner multinational company specialized in production for the following position:
Location – Cluj-Napoca
Role: Responsible for overseeing the accounting processes, month-end accounting activities such as reconciliations and journal entries. Preparing and analyzing accounting records, with a strong collaboration and under the supervision of the Financial Manager helps company leadership with strategic decisions and makes sure that the company complies with national financial regulations. Represents the company at Group level meetings and accountancy reporting.
Essential Functions:
Responsible for...
Psihoselect realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera care activeaza in domeniul industriei alimentare, pentru rolul de:
Locatie: Jud. Bihor
Rol: Organizeaza si coordoneaza contabilitatea operatiilor de capital, imobilizarilor, stocurilor, tertilor, trezoreriei, contabilitatea cheltuielilor, veniturilor si rezultatelor, contabilitatea angajamentelor si altor elemente patrimoniale, in conformitate cu legislatia in vigoare.
Organizeaza si coordoneaza departamentul contabil, avand 5 persoane cu roluri alocate in functie de operatiunile contabile gestionate;
Efectueaza analize financiar contabile pe baza de bilant, balanta de verificare, bugete de venituri...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production and sales to different industries for the following position:
Location: Cluj-Napoca
Role: An analyst role, which corroborates market data from different areas, macroeconomic data and studies, and specific data from the Food industry, in order to have a clear market image and identify trends. This person will be a full performer when he/she understands the Food industry, being able also to understand what influences the market, taking in consideration macroeconomic studies/research.
Psihoselect performs the recruitment and selection process for a partner company specialized in production and distribution of engineering solutions.
Location: ARAD
Role: Responsible for the day-to-day aspects of the business’s accounting operations, with a strong collaboration with the General Manager and external company support (audit and accounting expertise).
Essential Functions:
Recording accounting operations up to balance sheet level and monthly reporting according to the established indicators;
Organizes the accounting department to ensure a good running of the activity;
Keeps in touch with...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment and selection process for a partner company, specialized in the import, processing and distribution of raw materials for various industries, for the the following position:
Role: As a Branch Manager, you will develop and attain sales objectives, while managing the staff and encouraging a positive work environment. The Branch Manager ensures the customer satisfaction and the operation of the Center, through a practical, efficient approach with results in increasing productivity and achieving sales objectives.
Essential Functions:
Psihoselect performes the recruitment and selection process for a partner company, specialized in the sale of HVAC products, for the role of:
Possible location – Timis/Arad/Caras-Severin/Mehedinti/Hunedoara
Role: Responsible for the management of the B2B customer portfolio, maintaining a long-term relationship and maximizing sales, customer retention and satisfaction, and new business development in the regional allocated market.
Essential Functions:
Develop new customer relationships in a manner that will achieve short and long-term, profitable growth of the business in the regional market;
Identify new prospects...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment and selection process for a partner company, specialized in the import, processing and distribution of raw materials for various industries, for the the following position:
Location – Mures
Role: As a Branch Manager, you will develop and achieve sales objectives, while managing the staff and encouraging a positive work environment. The Branch Manager ensures the customer satisfaction and the operation of the Center, through a practical, efficient approach with results in increasing productivity and achieving sales objectives.
Essential Functions:
Psihoselect is recruiting for a partner company, specialized in construction/infrastructure:
Main Projects Locations: CJ/TM/BH
Role: Responsible for taking over the site (checking the situation in the field, making preliminary measurements, highlighting any technical problems, and discussing them with the Manager. Moreover, it organizes, and schedules the work on-site and manages the operational safety plan.
Essential Functions:
Manage the supply of materials to the site and issue the necessary orders based on contracts and internal procedures;
Ensure quality parameters in accordance with customer requirements;
Psihoselect is recruiting for a multinational partner company, specialized in automation for the following position:
Location: CLUJ
Role: Technical Sales Support Engineer is responsible for customer support, training of OEM manufacturers using the company products and create or evaluate the machine configurations (BOMs). Moreover, this position is a support of Sales and Operation departments with parts/configuration specification.
Essential Functions:
Customer support, technical supervising and approving of the company products customization based on customer needs;
Evaluate customer requirements, assist in connecting customer...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production for the
following position:
Location: CLUJ / BRASOV
Role: As Sales & Business Development Engineer you will be responsible forProvide a mix of strategic and tactical solutions in a business-to-business selling environment. The role focuses on acquiring, penetrating, managing and retaining customers in a regional marketplace. Being focused on completing team goals will be a critical aspect of achieving performance for the success of our overall business.
Essential Functions: