Psihoselect recruits for a partner company specialized in services for the following position:
LOCATION: Bucharest
Role: Plan, direct and coordinate the governance activities of commercial services to
increase the value added for the customer.
Essential Functions:
• Responsible for securing new customers and maintaining and developing existing accounts;
• Meet and exceed target set in terms of contributing and generating revenue for the company;
• Conduct and report minimum number of sales leads set by the management and transform a minimum of...
Psihoselect realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera specializata in proiecte electrice pentru rolul de:
Locatie – Bucuresti
Rol: Inginerul Executie Proiecte Instalatii Electrice coordonează și supraveghează proiectele de la preluare proiect tehnic până la finalizare. Pune în aplicare specificatiile proiectului, tinand cont de solicitarile clientului, se asigura că proiectele sunt finalizate in timp si in bugetul alocat. Cunoașterea domeniului instalatiilor electrice și încadrarea în termenele limita într-un mediu accelerat sunt importante pentru succesul proiectelor.
Principalele responsabilități:
· Coordonează ehipa de lucrari...
Psihoselect realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera specializata in proiecte electrice pentru rolul de:
Locatie – Cluj-Napoca
Rol: Inginerul Executie Proiecte Instalatii Electrice coordonează și supraveghează proiectele de la preluare proiect tehnic până la finalizare. Pune în aplicare specificatiile proiectului, tinand cont de solicitarile clientului, se asigura că proiectele sunt finalizate in timp si in bugetul alocat. Cunoașterea domeniului instalatiilor electrice și încadrarea în termenele limita într-un mediu accelerat sunt importante pentru succesul proiectelor.
Principalele responsabilități:
· Coordonează ehipa de...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in project management and real estate for the following position:
Location – Cluj-Napoca
Role: The Office Manager is responsible for organizing and coordinating office operations and procedures in order to ensure organizational effectiveness and efficiency. He contributes to the business efficiency by providing personalized and timely support to executive members. The Office Manager reports to the Executive Director and has have strong people skills, while being able to manage a wide variety of administrative and clerical tasks, be...
Psihoselect realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera specializata in cultivarea si intretinerea culturilor de pomi, pentru rolul de:
Coordoneaza procesul de altoire al pomilor in pepiniera;
Coordoneaza intretinerea puietilor si pomilor din pepiniera;
Coordoneaza amplasarea puietilor in sere si solarii;
Coordonarea mai multor echipe și urmarirea activitatii cotidiane a pepinierei, cu implicare activa in dezvoltare;
Oferirea de consultanta clientilor pentru infiintarea si intretinerea plantatiilor;
Participarea activa la toate activitatile din cadrul pepinierei;
Raportarea evoluției zilnice...
Psihoselect recruits for a partner company specialized in production for the following position:
Location – Romania
Role: A Quality and Environmental Manager will provide clear leadership for the development of an environment focused on Quality. Develop quality-process links with customers in line with the Quality Management system, ISO 14001, Advanced Product Quality Planning, Controls Plans, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis and Supplier Quality Assurance processes and oversee continued compliance and embedding across the business. Responsible for maintaining relationships with customers and suppliers to maximize...
Psihoselect recruits for a partner company specialized in distribution for the following position:
Role: The role of the Senior Buyer is to provide efficient purchasing and procurement management of goods, material and services, within the company’s Supply Chain Management systems, in conjunction with all related departments. The Senior Buyer responsible for ensuring that the organization selects the most appropriate goods and services based on price, quality, delivery times and services support, and sustain the private label commercial strategy.
Essential Functions:
Psihoselect recruits for a partner company specialized in distribution for the following position:
Role: A National Sales Manager will plan and coordinate the actual sales and distribution of products to the customer, marketing and trade marketing strategy. Coordinate sales distribution by establishing sales territories, quotas, goals and establish training programs for sales representatives. Analyze sales statistics gathered by staff to determine sales potential, inventory requirements and monitoring the needs of customers.
Essential Functions:
Establishes sales objectives by forecasting and...
realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera specializata in productia elementelor din lemn pentru pozitia de:
Locatie: Cluj
Stabileste obiectivele departamentului de productie in concordanta cu strategia generala a companiei;
Intocmeste planurile de productie conform comenzilor si contractelor;
Organizeaza fluxul tehnologic;
Organizeaza si coordoneaza activitatea personalului direct productiv si a celui responsabil de pregatirea productiei;
Colaboreaza cu departamentele societatii (achizitii, resurse umane, vanzari, mecanic) pentru buna realizare a proiectelor;
Controleaza produsele finite atat cantitativ cat si calitativ;
Monitorizează şi...
realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera producatoare din industria lemnului pentru pozitia de:
Locatie: Cluj
Prospectarea si identificarea potentialilor furnizori de materie prima lemnoasa in zona alocata;
Prospectarea pietei de profil si a conditiilor de achizitii/livrare in vederea optimizarii continue a stocurilor;
Identificarea, evaluarea si selectarea potentialilor furnizori;
Negocierea contractelor si a actelor aditionale cu furnizorii interni si externi;
Raspunderea pentru calitatea si cantitatea produselor achizitionate;
Expedierea si urmarirea comenzilor de aprovizionare pana la receptia finala;
Organizarea transporturilor interne...
realizeaza procesul de recrutare si selectie pentru o companie partenera producatoare din industria lemnului pentru pozitia de:
Locație: Cluj
Rol: Un Inginer Productie trebuie sa planifice si sa urmareasca activitatea de productie in functie de comenzi pentru a asigura realizarea integrala a indicatorilor cantitativi si calitativi stabiliti. Deleaga si transmite responsabilitati de lucru personalului pe care il coordoneaza (maistri si operatori) si se asigura ca au fost indeplinite conform standardelor impuse.
Elaborarea, impreună cu Coordonatorul de Productie, a planului zilnic de productie...
We will remember 2020 as the year that changed radically the way we work. Work from home was the first step… and it came suddenly, without any adaptation periods or reasons to worry about its level of acceptance, without any time to calculate the productivity and so on, we all just went over to working from home.
But let us see the glass as half full. This time has helped us learn new behaviours, some of which… we would like to keep and turn into habits. Through experimenting, we...
Psihoselect recruits for a partner company specialized in production and distribution of electronics for the following position:
Location: Bucharest
Role: Cluster Operations Manager is responsible for the daily operations of organization in order to improve performance, productivity, efficiency and profitability through the implementation of effective methods and strategies.
Essential Functions:
1. Forecasting
2. Order Management and Back Office
3. Logistic and Distribution
4. Customer care
· Coordinate all activities with Marketing and Sales team of the 2 Countries to provide to...
Psihoselect recruits for a partner company specialized in commercial real estate development for the following position:
Location: Cluj
Role: Leading the team of Project, Property and Permitting Managers and overlook the projects from initial phase to the very end, including site due diligence, permitting, preparation of the site and construction phase. Also, the Regional Development Director will be involved in business development activities.
Responsibility for all steps of the development in the dedicated region;
Negotiates with authorities and other third parties, involved...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production for the following position:
Location – Timis County
Role: Lead the site Maintenance function in providing both a reactive and proactive, multi-skilled maintenance service on all operational equipment and facilities infrastructure. Responsible for planned scheduling creation and overseeing the adherence and timely completion of work carried out. Increase the site operational effectiveness, improve on project delivery, mean time between failure and downtime reduction, and manage and implement improvement plans, driving Key Performance Indicators...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production for the following position:
Location – Timis County
Role: oversee all aspects of Human Resources practices and processes; support business needs and ensure the proper implementation of company strategy and objectives. The goal is to promote corporate values and enable business success through human resources management, including job design, recruitment, performance management, training & development, employment cycle changes, talent management, and facilities management services.
Serve as a link between management and...
Psihoselect performs the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production for the following position:
Location – Timis County
Role: distributes the financial resources of a company, is responsible for the budget planning, and supports the executive management team by offering insights and financial advice that will allow them to make the best business decisions for the company.
Prepare monthly management reports including Profit & Loss Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash flow;
Manage and oversee processing of Accounts Receivable function;
Manage and...
We live hectic times, when decisions taken within 30 minutes strongly impact companies. With minimum analysis, with ordinances published in the Official Gazette 4 hours earlier, with people who can help you or not, you must take a decision. You have no other options.
We have run out of time! The economic situation is under extreme pressure. We have not experienced any economic shutdown so far and, as such, we have no history to relate to. We started from a world health crisis and we ended up with an...
We perform the recruitment process for a partner company specialized in production for the following position:
Location – Cluj County
Serve as a link between management and employees by handling questions, interpreting and administering contracts and helping resolve work-related problems;
Plan, direct, supervise, and coordinate work activities of subordinate and staff relating to employment, compensation, labor relations, and employee relations;
Confer with management to develop or implement personnel policies or procedures;
Provide management with information or training related to interviewing, performance appraisals, counseling...
Psihoselect performs the Recruitment Process for a partner company specialized in providing automation products and services of installation for industrial machinery and equipment, for the following position:
Location – Cluj Napoca
Role: work directly with customers to recommend products and services to fit their needs. A good customer service sales representative anticipates customer concerns and offers practical solutions to resolve them.
Perform informal and formal needs assessments for each customer to recommend appropriate goods and services;
Develop a rapport with...